Yes, winter is on it's way (and I'm all caught up with Game of Thrones). I haven't been doing much quilting at all due to a lot of family situations. A brother, sister and uncle have all passed away this passed year and we are still in recovery mode. In addition, establishing what to do with all the STUFF they left has been and continues to be a chore. Anyway, this funny was found during the elimination. There are variations on the Internet.
Minnesota Temperature Conversion Chart:
60 above
Floridans wear coats, gloves and woolly hats. Minnesotans sunbathe.
50 above
New Yorkers try to turn on the heat. Minnesotans plant gardens.
40 above
Italian cars won't start. Minnesotans drive with the windows down.
32 above
Distilled water freezes. Lake Superior water gets thicker.
15 above
New York landlords finally turn up the heat. Minnesotans thrown on a sweatshirt.
Californians fly away to Mexico. Minnesotans get out their winter coats.
20 below
People in Miami cease to exist. Minnesotans lick the flagpole.
60 below
Polar bears begin to evacuate the Arctic. Minnesota Boy Scouts postpone "Winter Survival" classes until it gets cold enough.
80 below
Mt. St Helens freezes. Minnesotans rent some videos.
100 below
Santa Claus abandons the North Pole. Minnesotans get frustrate when they can't thaw the keg.
297 below
Microbial life survives on dairy products. Minnesota cows complain of farmers with cold hands.
460 below
All atomic motion stops. Minnesotans start saying . . . "Cold 'nuff for ya, eh?"
500 below
Hell freezes over. The Vikings win the Super Bowl.
Yellow Cake with Chocolate Frosting
11 hours ago